There are quite a few moments of everyday where I stop and look at my life- my behaviors, my thoughts, my intentions, and my beliefs about God. Though my clarity of mind is not always crystal, I meditate on how my life is honoring our King. Does my works line up with the fruit of the Spirit? Am I keeping Jesus' commandments? Am I delighting in God and His ways? Do I love His People? I ponder through if my actions line up with my beliefs, and if my beliefs line up with the truth. One thing in particular I have noticed is how I share the Good News of Jesus.
Every week, amid the discipleship and planning and teaching, I share the
Gospel. At least three times a week if not more, I will talk with students I've already met or meet students for the first time to talk about who God is and what He has done for sinners like us. The variety of people is astounding. I have met muslims, hindus, agnostics, church kids, lgbtq+ peers, internationals students, and probably any others identity you can find. And, I've shared Jesus and the story of the Bible with them.
I've invited them into community and friendship with Shandon College leaders. I've become their friends (when they've allowed me) and continued the God conversations. Yet, I have failed in a way. I fail to invite all of them to surrender to Jesus.
I am so quick to share Jesus, and then I am more hesitant to press them on if they will believe.
This is the meditation of late that has been occupying my mind. Through reading Revelations and Romans, having multiple Gospel conversations, and doing life with my disciple group ladies, I've seen that the heart of God desires our repentance. He sends us- His very children!- to the world to call them to repentance. To ask them to call on the name of the Lord.
Romans 10:13-15, "for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”"
Jesus' work has to be more than passively shared. It is to be proclaimed, and, when I tell people about it, I should ask, what is holding you back? I should say, " I want to invite you to surrender and trust in Jesus!"
Unlike most of the seven churches in Revelation, I do not want to be accused of compromising and not proclaiming the Gospel. I want to be faithful to my Lord and be His faithful witness- no matter the cost.
Pray for me, so that nothing can keep me from proclaiming Jesus.