I am Rayanna Cape. I was born and raised in Anderson, SC, and I now attend the University of South Carolina as a Mass Communications major. The Journalism School at UofSC is fabulous in more ways than one, including its intentional faculty, intelligent software and technology, and networking opportunities. Even more so, the campus is so interwoven into the city that there is no time for unwanted boredom or lack of a good time. From campus organizations, naps on the Horseshoe, Soda City mornings, and local coffee shops, day-to-day life is filled with nature and man-made beauty. Columbia and UofSC drew me in as a visiting high school junior, and I became a Gamecock Fall 2019. Artifact 1 is a picture of me on move in day as a freshman in front of the Horseshoe. (The Chacos are still my favorite shoes).
As a lady who loves media and critical thinking, a degree in Mass Communications was the prefer fit for me. The law and ethical dilemmas are engaging, and the creative side of advertising and the personal side of public relations touched into my imagination. There are fun memories from my Principles to NonProfit class- like hearing my professor's experience as well as guest speakers. Andy Ogburn's passion for journalism made my Principles of Journalism class desirable to attend. My Social Media Marketing class trained me in basic social media best practices and creating campaigns- Artifact 2 displays a some of work in that class on a campaign for AWAY-
while my Ethics and Responsibility class brought me to tears and the hard place as I faced the worst challenges journalists battled. It gave me a view of the world in which people communicate as well as how information circulates (or doesn't). While in school, I have been a part of many different organizations across campus and Columbia, and the most important one has been Shandon College Ministry. Since high school, I wanted to go to law school. But, the deepest desire of my heart was to belong to a community- well, just one true friend would have sufficed. That is what I wanted my whole life, and God providently showed me the Family I belonged to through Shandon College Ministry.
Created in Shandon Baptist Church, Shandon College is dedicated to making disciples who make disciples on the college campus and around the world, and a disciple is a worship, a family member, and witness of God. Ever since God saved me as a six year old, I was missing the family member component. Yet, when I came to college, a girl named Lydia Kicklighter welcomed me in and tried to share Jesus with me! I was astounded since that was something that I did for people- nobody did that kind of thing for me. Nobody welcomed me in and loved me for no reason other than God loved them first. Well, until Lydia and then Rachael did. I started to find my local family of believers, and, as I spent more time in Shandon College and Shandon Baptist, that family keeps growing. My time with them has even lead to what I will be doing for the next two years - a collegiate missionary to UofSC students and surrounding colleges in Columbia.
My affections for Jesus and people's need for Jesus have grown, and I want to invite everyone into God's family. I was invited in while in college, so I want to bring this to other college students. I will work through Shandon College to accomplish this task. After those two years, who knows what I will be doing, but I know it will glorify God and be amazing when that time comes. Artifact 3 is a picture of some of the girls I do live with and/or disciple right now- my sister in Christ!
My GLD pathway is Community Service, and this ePortfolio displays my journey of servanthood throughout college. There are three Key Insights and a Leadership Project Plan all revolving around my continual growth in becoming more like Jesus and serving others. In my Key Insights, I discuss my growth as a community servant through my discovery of the importance of food, the nonproft work sector, and critically thinking to service. In my Leadership Project, I identify the problem of bad communication between UofSC transfer students and campus resources, and I layout my plan to better reach and connect transfer students to the resources available to them.
I hope you enjoy my ePortfolio, and reach out with any questions or to connect!